Wow! I can't believe it has been 6 months since I posted here on our blog.
So just a few updates!The girls graduated from preschool in off to kindergarten in the Fall!
We had our summer Vacation in the keys a few weeks ago (picture below).
I was released by my back doctor in March (one year since having the hardware out!) and he says I can resume normal activities again without restrictions. So I joined then gym, but top things off, I haneeded foot surgery last week! Just a foot/toe was worse than the doctor expected once he got in there. He said it looks like I broke my toe/foot at some point and the joint grew back all crooked...probably what caused the bunion in the first place. It could have very well happened during the accident and I just didn't notice it, since I was so consumed with my back issues. So, I am now one-week post op and another week before I get a walking boot. Going a little stir crazy!!!
Other than all of that, everyone is good...just keeping busy with the kids being home for summer and all! OH! And the puppies are almost 9 months old already and weighing in at about 50 pounds each!!! NUTS they are, but they are so beautiful and such affectionate dogs. We love them!
I will post some more pictures tomorrow.
Hope to check back in again sooner:)
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